Here to Ignite, Encourage and Inspire your Creative Flame

‘I make art to show my soul I’m listening’ – Pat Wiederspan

Seasons Greetings my friends! I trust you’re all keeping well and getting ready to relax and recharge your creative batteries during the festive break. For those of you, whom like myself, celebrate Christmas, I hope you’ll have some arty goodies to unwrap tomorrow. Something you’ve put on your Christmas list or maybe something you’ve treated yourself to? No doubt I’ll be browsing art materials online tomorrow and seeing if anything sparks my interest. If it doesn’t then not to worry as I’ve plenty to keep me entertained for now. Have enjoyed flexing my digital art muscles for a change whilst creating this little Christmassy Frogs picture, I hope you like him.

white ceramic mug near brown pinecones

Well as much as I’ve wished for snow, the cold weather hasn’t arrived yet. Actually it’s quite mild at the moment, so my dreams of a white Christmas are looking less likely by the hour. No worries, I’ve still made myself a warm drink so that at least I’ll feel cosy on the inside whilst catching up with you all.

I’m pleased to say that last week’s addition of ‘subscriber question’ and ‘contact form’ sections have been successful, so they’ll be staying put. No new addition suggestions as yet, but keep your ideas coming and who knows what the New Year will hold. Okay, now things of an arty nature:

Update on Ugandan Art-based Safari – I’ve now received the full itinerary and dates!

I haven’t been given the go-ahead to share everything with you yet, as flight details are, at the moment, being confirmed. What I can say is that this is going to be an amazing 15 day safari in Uganda, 15th – 30th September 2022, the trip of a lifetime.

Reading through the itinerary alone gave me goose bumps, not to mention the butterflies the size of Monarchs in my stomach from excitement lol. But I do keep reminding myself that it’s still early days. So watch this space and hopefully come January all will be revealed.

With just four weeks to go until my new and exclusive workshops begin at WWF Martin Mere Wetland Centre, I’m getting pretty excited about this too. Teaching is always a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and share an interest or two, an opportunity that I never take for granted. I love to see individuals taking ‘the next step’ on their artistic journey, whether it be their first initial steps or leaps and bounds later on, the fact that we’re on this never ending journey of discovery together is what makes sharing it even more special.

All of my courses are beginner friendly, with each participant encouraged to work at their own pace however steady or speedy that my be. Each workshop has a set (limited) number of places so that everyone can get the extra help and words of encouragement should they need it. Plus 50% of all proceeds go straight back into conservation via the WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust).

We’re starting off the workshops with a watercolour one. Beginner friendly of course, and not too heavy on the wallet material wise. After that I’ll tailor workshops to whatever participants want, different mediums and different flora & fauna subjects. Interested? For more Information on these Workshops

Subscriber Question – what water based medium can I use to compliment my watercolours but that has more vibrancy?

A. Achieving vibrancy in watercolour can be achieved but it isn’t always easy, especially if you’re new to the medium. Gouache (opaque watercolour) can be used. But if you want colour with a visual kick then I’d recommend giving Derwent’s Inktense a try. It’s a water-soluble ink that is permanent and mat when dry. It can be used on paper, canvas and even fabric and works wonderfully well alongside watercolours in mixed media projects.

I may not always have a video on my YouTube channel to go alongside a subscriber’s question, but when I do I’ll be sure to add it. Here’s a link for the Iguana in Inktense if you’d like to take a look.

Thank you once again for taking a few minutes out of your day to join me, I promised myself that I’d keep my rambling short this time as I’m sure you’ve plenty to do, so with that said I’ll say farewell for now by wishing you all a huge MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Stay safe and stay creative, Kerry xXx

Questions & Suggestions welcomed

© Kerry Newell ⭐ ⭐ All rights reserve

Here to Ignite, Encourage and Inspire your Creative Flame

“Inhale possibility, exhale creativity.” – Laura Jaworski

Hey there my friends I hope everyone is keeping well and looking forward to the festive celebrations, or just a break from work. The weather here is getting slightly cooler but still no sign of snow, just seven sleeps until Christmas so there’s still the chance though – yep that’s me wishful thinking again. Okay I have a mug of coffee at hand, I hope you have a warm drink too. Time to catch up. Oh before I forget – my newsletters, although mobile friendly, are best viewed on a tablet, laptop or PC.

Thank you to everyone who’s contacted me this past week, brilliant comments and questions too. A big thank you to Pat King who asked if I could include a contact form at the bottom of my newsletters, and to Kieran Taylor who asked if I could add a ‘subscriber question’ section to each newsletter too. Both great ideas, so these additions will begin today.

Update on Uganda – after sharing last week’s exciting news with you all regarding Uganda (and sharing on social media too) I was so grateful with how many of you took the time to congratulate me on this new adventure in the making. I keep having to remind myself that it’s still early days yet, and I don’t want to take anything for granted. Having said that, my second meeting, via Zoom, went swimmingly well last Sunday. Everything seems to be going as planned and the final details are now being added into the 15/16 day itinerary. I’m now waiting again to hear from the Ugandan team but will keep you all updated as new developments arise.

With my ‘Christmas due’ commissions now completed and delivered, I’ve been able to spend some time making plans for the coming year, updates for my website and YouTube channel being amongst them. I now have notepads brimming with ideas as well as scribblings on how best to manage the time I have available, whilst not letting anything else fall by the wayside. For more Information of Commissions

I’ve also completed my last personal tuition booking for this year, which was a wonderful day spent in Wales with three ambitious artistic people. For more Information on Private Tuition

A few weeks ago I began the task of adding small contact forms to my Gallery Shop pages, enabling visitors to contact me directly should they be interested in knowing when a particular painting is available for purchase in print form. The feedback was almost immediate, and therefore I’m pleased to say that a majority of the paintings have now been scanned/professionally photographed and all being well prints can begin to be made available in January 2022.

Just five weeks to go until my Wildlife Art Workshops begin at Martin Mere Wetland Centre (mentioned in my previous two newsletters). If you’re interested in knowing more but haven’t had the time to take a look here’s a little link for you: Watercolour Workshop at Martin Mere

While on the subject of watercolour, I’ve a lovely little video over on my YouTube channel that’s suitable for beginners and enthusiasts alike. This Red Squirrel takes you through the process of working with watercolour pencils, but you could also apply the techniques to normal pan or tube watercolours, gouache or even acrylics should you wish. Red Squirrel Video

Okay tying in nicely whilst on a watercolour theme is the first of our two new newsletter additions:

Subscriber Question – what is the difference between watercolour and gouache, and do I need both?

A. Okay this one is quite simple to explain – watercolour, as the name suggests, is a water based paint which is translucent when dry. Whereas gouache, whilst also being water based, is opaque when dry. Pigments in either medium can be staining or non-staining and both mediums dry to a mat finish. Gouache has a tendency to dry with a slightly rough texture (ideal if wanting to apply coloured pencil on top for a mixed media project). I personally love having both mediums at hand, but no you don’t need both as each medium works perfectly well on it’s own as intended.

So there we have it, another newsletter in the bag lol. I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here with me today, thank you for keeping me company. As promised I’ll pop the aforementioned contact form at the end of the newsletter, so please feel free to use it to send YouTube, website or newsletter suggestions and general art questions too.

Signing off for now and wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Stay safe and stay creative, Kerry xXx

Questions & Suggestions welcomed

© Kerry Newell ⭐ ⭐ All rights reserve

Here to Ignite, Encourage and Inspire your Creative Flame

‘Creativity takes courage’ – Henri Matisse

Hey there my friends, I hope you’re all keeping well and warm. Wow has it really been two weeks already since my last letter? Time flies or so the saying goes. I’ve a large mug of coffee and a couple of those fancy biscuits (Lotus Biscoff) so I’m all comfy and cosy for our catch up.

Firstly I’d like to say thank you for the feedback now I have my email newsletters rolling out again, it’s great to hear from you all and I hope you’ve all found my replies satisfactory 😊 Last night I added a couple more items to my website ‘sidebar widget area’, I’ll see if you can spot them… okay a couple of clues – ‘he flaunts the front of many Christmas cards’ and ‘you already have, but it may prompt more to do likewise’. If anyone has further suggestions for additions to my
website please let me know.

New and exciting news – I’m currently in talks with a Ugandan-based company who would like me to run an art-based safari over there. We’ve had one informal meeting, over the phone of course, and we’re scheduled to have our next meeting this coming Sunday via Zoom. Initial itinerary plans have been put together which I’ve now received via email. It’s very exciting, even though development is in the early stages at the moment. As the plans for this adventure unfold I’ll be sure to share them all with you.

The past couple of weeks have been busy, as you’d expect in the lead up to Christmas. Anyone working with commissions at this time of the year knows the pressure of deadlines, and no matter how far in advance we try to plan, time has a way of creeping up on us. I’m not complaining though as I seem to work more efficiently with deadlines in place, an impending target date putting an abrupt end to my procrastination tendencies 😉

The hard work has payed off yet again and two more commissions have been delivered with time to spare. Another commission has been scheduled for the new year and I’ve already taken a large amount of reference images for this, so let’s just say I’m ahead of schedule in the commission area of my life right now. For more Information on Commissions

I don’t know about you but it always feels weird when I begin filling dates in my calendar for the following year. I’m looking forward to new and exciting journeys, one of them being Wildlife Art Workshops at WWF Martin Mere Wetland Centre as mentioned in my last newsletter.

Places are filling up nicely apparently, which is great for me and the centre alike. But if you would like to give it a go don’t leave it too late to book, I’ve restricted the amount of places so that all attendees get plenty of attention should the require it on the day. One thing I meant to mention is that 50% of all proceeds go straight back into conservation via the WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust).

We’re starting off the workshops with a watercolour one. Beginner friendly of course, and not too heavy on the wallet material wise. After that I’ll tailor workshops to whatever participants want, different mediums and different flora & fauna subjects. Interested? For more Information on these Workshops

I’m pleased to say I’ve now over 2k subscribers on my YouTube channel. I haven’t posted for a while as I’ve been fulfilling commissioned works, but over the Christmas period I’ll be able to get back on track. Its looking like the ‘Black Fur in Pastel’ has been a favourite with viewers so far.
Here’s a link if you’d like to take a look 👀 Black Fur in Pastel video

Okay I’ve rambled enough for one afternoon and my easel’s calling me lol. Don’t forget if there’s anything you’d like me to cover in these newsletters or things you’d like to see added to my website let me know.

I’ll sign off for now but thank you for spending some time with me.

Stay safe and stay creative, Kerry xXx

© Kerry Newell ⭐ ⭐ All rights reserved

Here to Ignite, Encourage and Inspire your Creative Flame

‘Practise makes progress, not perfection.’ – Me

From my sofa to yours…

Hey there my friends I hope you’re keeping well. It’s been a while since I last put pen to paper, well fingers to keypad to be exact. So we’ve plenty to catch up on. I’ll go and grab a coffee, if you want to do likewise, then we can relax and have a catch up.

Well I don’t know about you but I’ve heard enough about a certain virus that’s been doing the rounds this past 18 months or so, and I want to keep these newsletters upbeat so wont be mentioning it again… apart from saying that I quite enjoyed the first lockdown – plenty of guilt-free studio time.

Okay, so what’s been happening this end, and I apologise in advance as I doubt that my ramblings will be in any particular order (especially chronological).

In short, I’ve been a busy bee lol. Completing more drawings, paintings, commissions and YouTube videos than ever before, within the same timeframe of course. I’ve been inspired by inks, allured again by acrylics and played with my pencils, not to mention the occasional flexing of my digital art muscles lol. I’ve also been busy the past few weeks giving my website some much needed TLC.

So where has all this ‘playing with my art materials’ taken me? Well, I enjoyed a wonderful weekend exhibiting at the EWA (Exhibition of Wildlife Art) back in July, wow is it really that long ago. It’s a brilliant weekend if you’re into wildlife and art, takes place at the same venue each year – Gordale Garden Centre on the Wirral.

Then in October, last month, I was invited to exhibit at the North West Birdwatching Festival. It’s an event that’s held annually at the Martin Mere Wetland Centre in Lancashire. Hadn’t been to this event before, let alone exhibited there. On arrival, it turned out that I was the only artist there which was surprising but lovely at the same time.

One of the advantages of exhibiting, apart from selling and meeting such wonderful people, is the chance of being asked to do something that probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise. Well, okay it could but the possibilities are less I would think. Anyway, before I completely loose my thread and have to go and grab another coffee, I’m so very pleased to let you know that I’ve been invited to run Art Workshops at Martin Mere Wetland Centre! Exciting times ahead, even if I say so myself lol. So the first date has been set for Saturday 22nd January 2022 and it’s going to be a watercolour workshop. For beginners and the more experienced alike.

Here’s a link if you want to go and have a look at what’s on offer, as long as you promise to come back to read the rest of my ramblings of course – Information on these Workshops

So where did I get to? Oh yes ‘workshops’ – great news eh. Can’t think of anything better than starting a new hobby or brushing the cobwebs off an old one, and a lovely way of easing into a brand new year 🙂

Anyway as I was saying, before my mind jumped ahead of itself and my ‘fingers hitting the keyboard’ had to follow. I’ve been applying my tech savvy brain cell to the task of tweaking my website. While some people like the idea of a simple to use website where you just ‘drag & drop’ so to speak, I like to challenge myself once in a while with my homemade style WordPress website, one step away from the aforementioned drag & drop but not quite in the realm of coding where I wouldn’t stand a chance lol.

To my website I’ve added ‘Supply Lists’ seven brand new pages showing some of the products I use and can therefore recommend. There’s Graphite & Charcoal, Coloured Pencil, Watercolour & Gouache, Acrylic, Oils, Pastels and Studio Accessories.

Along with a little description and the supply listings, I’ve also included an image on each section showing my recommendations for someone wanting to get started in each medium. Something that I would have found useful when starting out.

On the subject of all things ‘tech savvy’ (well we weren’t but we can pretend can’t we lol) I now have 23 YouTube videos, have plenty more planned too. Here’s a link if you’d like to take a look 👀 My YouTube Channel

I’ve also updated my ‘Commissions’ page which now includes pricing examples and more information than before.

For more Information on Commissions

Those of you who know me well know that I could ramble on for hours, but those of you who don’t know me so well… I’ll spare you that ordeal for now 😉

I’ve so much more to share with you all but I’ll save it for my next newsletters to you.

If there’s anything you’d like me to chat about in particular just let me know. If there’s any subject or mediums that you’d like to see me cover in a YouTube video just let me know too.

So I’ll sign off now, thank you for spending some time with me.

Stay safe and stay creative, Kerry xXx

© Kerry Newell ⭐ ⭐ All rights reserved


Good afternoon folks I hope that this quick update finds you all well and, dare I say, looking forward to the festive season. Our Christmas tree is already up, I’d blame it on the children but in actual fact I’m the culprit lol, hey ho I can think of worse things to be guilty of lol.

Whilst speaking of Christmas wintery things come to mind, and nothing could be more wintery than the subject for my next two Wildlife Art Workshops – a polar bear 😊

Unlike previous workshops the same reference will be used in both the Leicestershire workshop and the one here in Cheshire, so that everyone can experience a little winter cheer without having to travel too far.

The dates are as follows:

Polar Bear Workshop in Leicestershire, Saturday 3rd November 2018

Workshops in Leicestershire

Polar Bear Workshop in Cheshire, Saturday 24th November 2018

Workshops in Cheshire

Keeping this little update short and sweet while I compile the next, more in depth Blog/Newsletter.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing some of you for November’s workshops

Best wishes

Kerry xx


Good afternoon folks I hope this blog update finds you all well.

Perfect weather here in the UK again, that is if all you have to do is sit on a lounger being served pink gin cocktails, whilst being wafted with palm fronds before taking a dip in an olympic size swimming pool lol. Unfortunately reality at the minute is a hot & humid art studio with a plentiful supply of chilled water as apposed to pink gin or any other alcoholic beverage for that matter, but I’m not complaining … honest lol.

While the world seems to have gone football mad, every four years birthing a whole new generation of wannabe professional referees shouting at the tv and declaring the ‘I could do better’ chant (yep my husband included lol), I plod on with commissions and filming for my YouTube channel amongst other art related tasks.

After a decluttering session I decided to add some ‘green’ to my working space, by that I mean plant life and not wallpaper made up of £5 notes lol. Now I’ve never been one for ‘collecting’ but oh my … what started out as a single cacti, which I named Cuthbert, sitting on my studio windowsill has now blossomed (pardon the pun) into an ever-expanding plethora of plants! lol Loving it so much I may just have to let my greenery extend to the rest of the house lol. I’m sure many photos will follow in future social media posts …. you’ve been warned lol.

Okay, that’s enough of the waffling for for now, lets see what news I have for you my glorious readers:

  • First and foremost I’m truly thankful to say that this month’s first Wildlife Art Workshop over at Knowsley Safari Park here in Cheshire was a wonderful success, so much so that they’ve booked me in for Workshop number two. If you’d like additional information …

Continue Reading →


Good afternoon folks, I hope this blog finds you all well and enjoying the strange yellow orb that has appeared in the sky over Britain this past couple of weeks.

It always feels strange, don’t you think, when we’re eventually blessed with some warmer weather here in the UK. I feel like I’m being enticed into a false sense of security; for gone are the endless summer days when eight weeks off school meant eight weeks of roaming, from dusk to dawn, over fields of ripening crops with a canine companion in tow. Now we’re lucky to get eight days in a row, let alone eight weeks.

So yes, I’m sure you’ll agree that the weather is glorious at the moment. Unfortunately my studio doesn’t have resident elves yet and so with heavy heart I’ve been unable to enjoy midday saunters with Skye. We have made the most of our evening walks though and I must say the sunsets have been stunning. Lunch times and coffee breaks (of which there are many) I have made the most of, setting up my trusty Canon camera (Gerry) on a sturdy tripod to capture the antics of the visiting bird life. I’ve also begun capturing images of the flora in our garden, especially when coming into bloom. All of this pictorial data will be used for art reference images in the coming months.

Okay well that’s enough of me waffling for now (okay there’s no need to cheer lol), let’s move on to our first headline and yes I realise things aren’t appearing in the same order as in the last blog. I’m going to keep shifting things around a little until my subscribers (yes that includes you) feel as though the flow of things is right. So here we go:

Oh while I remember, someone asked what the picture is in the mantelpiece in the above image – it’s a limited edition print of moths by the artist Richard Lewington. A 50th birthday present for my husband from our eldest daughter Holly xXx

So, on with the latest news from this end:

  • NEW and EXCLUSIVE Wildlife ART Workshops at Knowsley Safari Park, Prescot. L34 4AN Commencing Saturday 9th June 2018  9am-4pm
  • I’m excited to announce, after having been invited to set up a catalogue of art-based events at Knowsley Safari Park here in Cheshire, the first date has been set and the bookings have begun to arrive. The Knowsley team and my contact in particular are as eager as I am to get things up and running, it is with this in mind that we have set an introductory price of just £80 per person. The price includes all materials, tuition, lunch and refreshments. All you’ll need to bring is a smile. If you’d like some more information on this event or would like to book a place for yourself or a loved one then please use the following link, this will take you directly to the ‘Workshops in Cheshire’ page of my website:  May I also add at this point that the subject for the workshop on June 9th is going to be an Amur Tiger. This having been chosen to celebrate the conservation work Knowsley is involved with for this species via the captive breeding programme and by working in conjunction with Wildcats Conservation Alliance.
  • This second news item I’d like to draw your attention to is that of my YouTube channel. I have now released two more videos since my last blog. The first being ‘Black Fur in Pastel’, shown in the image to the left, and the second being ‘Bokeh Background in Pastel’. Both new additions are suitable for beginners to learn techniques from and so I hope, that if you have a spare moment, you could pop over and check them out. If you do like what you see over on my channel then please subscribe, yes it’s free. If you do you’re helping me reach toward my first milestone of 1,000 subscribers. At the moment I believe I’m at 420. For those of you that have already subscribed I’d like to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you. You’re all amazing! Your support and encouragement is truly appreciated and has spurred me on to better my skills in the world of video tutorials. Having said that I would like to apologise for the sound quality of the current videos. I now have a new microphone and a new video editing suite so things should begin to improve from here on. If you’d like to see my YouTube channel videos, just simply follow this link (don’t forget to come back and read the rest of this blog though lol):

As I’m now writing on a regular basis for Stronghold.Media, I thought I would follow on from last month’s Artisan Advice theme with another blog-style tip. If you haven’t read last month’s blog, I included links to three blogs I’ve written as a guest blogger for Stronghold.Media. These were Marketing Yourself as an Artist Part 1 & Marketing Yourself as an Artist Part 2, and Why Creatives need a Blog.

The link I’ll include for today’s blog is entitled ‘Tips for Beginner Creatives’. In this piece of writing I explore and discuss the idea of turning a creative hobby into a lifelong career. I include snapshots of topics including where to start, scheduling, how to prepare and how to get noticed. Here’s the link:

I hope you enjoy this and find it of use to you. Should you want any artistic advise in particular then please feel free to email me your requests so that I can include them in future posts.

Moving on to a new topic for my blogs, the world of conservation. I’m going to begin with why my Canon camera is called Gerry. Now you may think this strange to start of the topic of conservation with the naming of an inanimate object. Well I’ll do my best to enlighten you with a short account. This could easily turn into an essay length piece of writing but I’ll keep that for another time, promise.

I named my camera Gerry after the world-renown conservationist Gerald Durrell. Ah now you can see where the connection between the two lies. From his birth in India in 1925 to his death in 1995 Gerald lived his life surrounded by animals. Gerald was first and foremost a naturalist, he then worked as a zookeeper and soon was employed to organise expeditions from the UK to collect live specimens for zoos and private collections. It was this work that turned his heart and mind to conservation. It is no understatement that he became one of this country’s most renown conservationist. Durrell was also an author, I grew up reading his books and he has inspired me in more ways than I can mention here. He also found increased fame when he became a television presenter, however he never really relished being on the other side of the camera, but he did so in order to educate and raise awareness of the plight of so many species. He also went on to found what is now called the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Durrell Wildlife Park on the Channel Island of Jersey. If you would life to read more about Gerald Durrell and the Durrell Conservation Trust:

Last but not least a quick Q&A, whoop whoop whoop I hear you cry another new feature to my blog! Okay you probably didn’t say whoop whoop whoop but I did! lol.

Today’s question, and by that I don’t mean it’s been sent in by someone named Today, wow that would be weird lol. No this is simply a question that I get asked a lot:

Q.  How old were you when you started to draw?

A.  I’ve always held a keen interest for the natural world, from bugs and beetles to trees, animals & birds. There doesn’t seem to be anything I’m not interested in and there’s definitely nothing that I’m scared of. I’m guessing that all of this stemmed from growing up in home that had a wildlife garden as opposed to a more formal kind. My dad, Allen who passed away in 2001, was a keen gardener but loved wildlife with a passion. Apparently he wasted no time in digging a huge pond within weeks of getting married and moving my mum into their marital home, long before me and my sister came along. So it was natural for me as a youngster to spend long warm days in the garden, time spent investigating snails, butterflies, frogs and eventually grass snakes seemed the norm to me. The more time I spent with them, the more I wanted to know about them. Not being able to afford a camera was probably the reason my parents made sure I had enough paper and pencils to record my findings, and I guess that’s where my creative journey began. As for my age then, my mum say’s I’d be around 4yrs old when my love for drawing began.

If you have a question that you’d like to ask then please feel free to email me at:

Okay folks I think I’ve taken up enough of your time for one day, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading today’s blog as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Thank you all so very much for your ongoing support, it really is appreciated.

Stay in touch, follow me on social media if you wish, but above all be blessed.

Until next time it’s over and out from me for now

Best wishes, Kerry xXx



Good afternoon, I hope my latest blog finds you all well and enjoying the beginning of British Summer Time … in other words I hope you’re well and fully prepared with wellies, raincoat and umbrella for next month’s bank holiday break 😉

Now where to start? Okay first things first, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of my subscribers, you put up with my ramblings and I truly appreciated that. You have unknowingly, and unbeknown to me until recently, rocketed my wildlife artist blog through the online blogging ranks. I’ve been informed that I’ve made the top 25 Wildlife blogs on the internet!!! How cool is that! 🙂

So now is a great time to up my game, so to speak, and offer my readership (that’s you my dear subscribers) more in the way of advice and encouragement to show you all how much I value your ongoing support 🙂 Therefore, as you read through today’s blog you’ll notice, I hope, the addition of colourful headers which will categorise topics in this and future blogs and to which I’ll be adding more as the weeks go by.

This week’s advice isn’t just one tip but three blogs worth, nothing like starting things off with a bang eh lol.

My advances in the blogging world have led, in part, to be invited to become a ‘guest blogger’ for a company called Stronghold Media  My first two blogs concentrate on How to market yourself as an Artist Part One and Part Two For my third blog I was asked to write about Why ‘creatives’ need a Blog If you have time I’d love for you to pop over via the highlighted links and take a look, let me know what you think and maybe you could even suggest topics for future blogs. The blog I’ve been asked to write next is about Tips for beginning Creatives. Suggesting ways of evolving your hobby into a career. If this is something you’d like to do then it should be an informative read and all being well will be published next week.

Hope you’re liking the graphics 😉 I worked on them whilst staying at my mum’s for the weekend 🙂

Starting this blog portion off with the long awaited news that my next free YouTube tutorial has now gone live! At long last I hear you say, well yes you’ve every right to say that and I have given myself a sharp kick in the rear to stop procrastinating, to stop trying to get all the tech stuff perfect and to stop worrying that my voiceovers don’t sound like I went to a Swedish Finishing School (which I didn’t so why would they? lol) So for those of you who may be interested here’s an interactive thumbnail that should wiz you over to my latest YouTube channel video … oh before I forget to mention – once you’re over there be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already. I’ve received a message from YouTube encouraging me to make more videos so that I can reach my first milestone – 1,000 subscribers! No pressure there then lol. Okay here we go:

If you do decide to go and visit my YouTube channel now be sure to come back and read the rest of this week’s blog.

I’ve had some wonderful feedback and have had my first YouTube video request – a tutorial on creating black fur with pastel. So this will be my next ‘Wednesday Workshop’ and is being planned out already.

Before the release of that one I’ll be posting a couple of short technique videos, one of which I’ll be recording this evening.

In keeping with the subject of tutorials is next month’s Wildlife Art Workshop due to run on Saturday 5th May. Subject is a Cheetah. The venue is The King’s Centre, Wigston, Leicester. 9am – 5pm. There are some places still available but I do suggest booking as soon as possible before I close further entries. I have to cut off approximately a week before the event to allow me time to purchase the correct amount of materials etc. So here’s a link if you want to find out more about my workshops or to book a place:  Summer 2018 Wildlife Art Workshop

Moving on …

In honour of #NationalPetDay I’m offering a 10% discount on pet portrait commissions placed before the end of this week (Sun 15th Apr deadline) Just mention this blog/newsletter post when enquiring and the discount will be applied to your quote:

This offer only applies to pet portraits commissions.

Book now, pay later and still receive the 10% discount offer. As long as you contact me before Sunday 15th April the offer will stand.

Testimonials – a page on my website where you can read reviews from satisfied clients.

Coming up in my next blog will be at least two more new categories including ‘Motivational Moment‘ for times when we need that little extra something in our lives, and ‘Conservation Corner‘ where we’ll focus in on either a species in trouble or group that is working to save a piece of our world. But for now I’ll finish this blog with a glimpse of a work that’s currently on my easel and a couple of dates for your diary:

 So, self explanatory really, a circus of clowns are making themselves known on my easel at the moment. This piece is a little different for me in that it’s composed of an acrylic airbrushed background, whilst the subjects and foreground are coloured pencil.

I’ve always worked in a wide range of mediums including oils, acrylics, watercolours etc but have only done so for personal work or medium specific commissions. However, recently I’ve been asked to produce works in a variety of mediums for my YouTube channel so with that in mind the window into my studio is now open.

In the coming months you’ll be able to see my works in progress in different mediums and I’ll be filming examples for my YouTube channel that will correspond with these.


Last but not least are a couple of events for your diary, they’re already firmly set in mine and I hope to see some of you at both events where I’ll be exhibiting:




That’s it for me for now folks, I’ve much more to say, new items to add to my blogs but they’ll have to wait for the next instalment as I need to get back to a commission on my easel.

Thank you all so very much for your ongoing support, it really is appreciated.

Stay in touch, follow me on social media if you wish, but above all be blessed.

Over and out for now

Best wishes, Kerry xXx



Hi there folks I hope that you are all well and enjoying a relaxing weekend.
My apologies if you’ve already received a post containing the following items – due to server errors it didn’t send properly so some of you would have received it whilst others didn’t.
Due to delayed securing of my venue this year I’m making sure that everyone knows the workshop dates for 2018.
The Spring Workshop is due to run in just two weeks time, Saturday 17th February, so if you haven’t already booked your place I suggest you do it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.  The subject for this workshop is an Otter – I’ve added a sneak preview below:
The rest of this year’s workshops are as follows:
Saturday 5th May Subject:  CHEETAH
Saturday 25th August Subject: URAL OWL
Saturday 3rd November  Subject: POLAR BEAR
I’m busy this weekend filming, at long last, for my new YouTube channel.  This may be new news as it were to some of you – yes online tutorials for free lol.  I’ve already uploaded one – ‘Feathers in Pastel’, and I’m filming ‘Fur in Pastel’ today.  So if you haven’t already you may want to pop over to my YouTube channel too and Subscribe so you don’t miss out on my up and coming tutorials that are now being filmed and will begin to be released on a more regular schedule … yep all for FREE.  To make things easy for you here’s a link to my YouTube channel, don’t forget to hit the SUBSCRIBE button once you’re there:
Okay I’ll leave it at that for now folks
So its over and out from me and I look forward to seeing you all soon
Best wishes
Kerry xXx


Hi there folks, I hope you’re all feeling happy, healthy and well into the swing of 2018 🙂  While on the subject I don’t think it’s too late in the month to take this opportunity in wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Oh my word how time flies and with the best of intentions the months have swept by since my past blog post.  New Year’s Resolution – post updates regularly, something you can hold me to.

Whilst on the subject of Blogs I’ve decided to rename these postings as Newsletters and will be setting up a separate area for Blog posts.  These will be more personable and contain tips & techniques, whilst keeping the Newsletters for updates on Workshops, Demonstrations, Original paintings and anything else that comfortably under the newsletter heading.

 Moving on….

The dates for my Wildlife Art Workshops for 2018 have now been secured and the subjects decided:

Spring – OTTER
Summer – CHEETAH
August – OWL
For more information and to book your place please see the ‘Workshops’ page of my website:

Note:  With the Spring Workshop being only 4 weeks away, I strongly advise booking your place as soon as possible so as not to miss out as places are limited.

Last year I was very blessed to be part of SmallBizSat, and from this was chosen to be part of SmallBiz100 – one of 100 businesses chosen across the UK and invited to Downing Street on 30th Nov.  Wow what a wonderful day that was! 🙂
An arresting time outside number 10! LOL   Yep he really was that tall – a staggering 6’8”
Following my wonderful trip to London last November I was offered the chance to skill swap one day a week with local company, a new and ambitious company here in Widnes, Cheshire.  They’re specialities include website design, brand identity, social media marketing and content creation.  The perfect company to outsource the jobs that take me away from being creative.
Therefore, soon to be free from the hassle of managing my website, I’m looking forward to getting back to doing what I love the most, artistic endeavours at the easel.  Thankful to say that since having this company on board, in my corner so to speak, I’ve finished three new paintings – a truly productive start to 2018:

While staying on the ‘easel’ subject, I’m pleased and relieved to say that at last I’ve found time to sample a set of coloured pencils, Luminance 6901, sent to me from the Caran d’Ache headquarters in Geneva:


I’m pleased to say that I’m really enjoying trying out this new medium (new to me that is).  The materials produced by Caran d’Ache always excel my expectations and these coloured pencils are no exception.

For those of you who know me well will also be aware that I’ve demonstrated their pastel pencils for them since 2011.

If you’d like to know more about their products please check out their UK online store:



Another surprise to the start of 2018 was being invited to be the illustrator of a series of children’s books!  After taking time to think about this region of design into which I have hardly dabbled, a thought which I’m assuming lasted a millionth of a second lol, I said yes.  And both myself and the author are pleased with my design of the main character.  Early days, there’s at least four more mice characters to design plus many other animal characters, backgrounds and settings. So watch this space for more news on this mini adventure.


Okay well I think I’ll leave it at that for now as I need to get back to the easel and get the coloured pencil project completed as I have a new commission waiting in the wings.

So it’s over and out from me for now

Thank you once again for dropping by and following my endeavours

Be blessed

Love & hugs Kerry xXx

p.s   If you would like me to add anything in particular to my weekly blogs/newsleter then please pop your ideas in an email and forward them to me at and I’ll see what I can do.

Note:  Don’t forget to add that number 1 after my name in the email address or I won’t receive your message.

Byeeeeee xXx