Hi there folks I hope that you are all well and enjoying a relaxing weekend.
My apologies if you’ve already received a post containing the following items – due to server errors it didn’t send properly so some of you would have received it whilst others didn’t.
Due to delayed securing of my venue this year I’m making sure that everyone knows the workshop dates for 2018.
The Spring Workshop is due to run in just two weeks time, Saturday 17th February, so if you haven’t already booked your place I suggest you do it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The subject for this workshop is an Otter – I’ve added a sneak preview below:

The rest of this year’s workshops are as follows:
Saturday 5th May Subject: CHEETAH
Saturday 25th August Subject: URAL OWL
Saturday 3rd November Subject: POLAR BEAR
I’m busy this weekend filming, at long last, for my new YouTube channel. This may be new news as it were to some of you – yes online tutorials for free lol. I’ve already uploaded one – ‘Feathers in Pastel’, and I’m filming ‘Fur in Pastel’ today. So if you haven’t already you may want to pop over to my YouTube channel too and Subscribe so you don’t miss out on my up and coming tutorials that are now being filmed and will begin to be released on a more regular schedule … yep all for FREE. To make things easy for you here’s a link to my YouTube channel, don’t forget to hit the SUBSCRIBE button once you’re there:

Okay I’ll leave it at that for now folks
So its over and out from me and I look forward to seeing you all soon
Best wishes
Kerry xXx
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