Good afternoon folks I hope that this quick update finds you all well and, dare I say, looking forward to the festive season. Our Christmas tree is already up, I’d blame it on the children but in actual fact I’m the culprit lol, hey ho I can think of worse things to be guilty of lol.
Whilst speaking of Christmas wintery things come to mind, and nothing could be more wintery than the subject for my next two Wildlife Art Workshops – a polar bear 😊
Unlike previous workshops the same reference will be used in both the Leicestershire workshop and the one here in Cheshire, so that everyone can experience a little winter cheer without having to travel too far.
The dates are as follows:
Polar Bear Workshop in Leicestershire, Saturday 3rd November 2018
Polar Bear Workshop in Cheshire, Saturday 24th November 2018
Keeping this little update short and sweet while I compile the next, more in depth Blog/Newsletter.
Looking forward to hopefully seeing some of you for November’s workshops
Best wishes
Kerry xx
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