Good afternoon folks I hope this blog update finds you all well.
Perfect weather here in the UK again, that is if all you have to do is sit on a lounger being served pink gin cocktails, whilst being wafted with palm fronds before taking a dip in an olympic size swimming pool lol. Unfortunately reality at the minute is a hot & humid art studio with a plentiful supply of chilled water as apposed to pink gin or any other alcoholic beverage for that matter, but I’m not complaining … honest lol.
While the world seems to have gone football mad, every four years birthing a whole new generation of wannabe professional referees shouting at the tv and declaring the ‘I could do better’ chant (yep my husband included lol), I plod on with commissions and filming for my YouTube channel amongst other art related tasks.
After a decluttering session I decided to add some ‘green’ to my working space, by that I mean plant life and not wallpaper made up of £5 notes lol. Now I’ve never been one for ‘collecting’ but oh my … what started out as a single cacti, which I named Cuthbert, sitting on my studio windowsill has now blossomed (pardon the pun) into an ever-expanding plethora of plants! lol Loving it so much I may just have to let my greenery extend to the rest of the house lol. I’m sure many photos will follow in future social media posts …. you’ve been warned lol.
Okay, that’s enough of the waffling for for now, lets see what news I have for you my glorious readers:
- First and foremost I’m truly thankful to say that this month’s first Wildlife Art Workshop over at Knowsley Safari Park here in Cheshire was a wonderful success, so much so that they’ve booked me in for Workshop number two. If you’d like additional information …
NEW and EXCLUSIVE Wildlife ART Workshops at Knowsley Safari Park, Prescot. L34 4AN
Amazing introductory price of just £80 per person
Price includes park entrance, materials, tuition, lunch and refreshments!
Note: Limited places so early booking advisable to avoid disappointment.
If Cheshire is a little out of your way I do still have a few places left on my Autumn and Winter workshops in Leicestershire. The next one due to run on Saturday 25th August with the subject being a Ural Owl. If you’d like additional information …
- If online learning is more your thing then I hope you’ll be
pleased to know that my latest YouTube video is now live. This is by far my longest online tutorial yet, mostly due to the use of a new video editing suite lol. If you’re into the longer online videos then you’ll love this as it runs for around 1hr 30mins, if you like shorter ones then just feel free to fast-forward to the juicy bits lol. Let me just take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU to those of you, all 462, who’ve taken the time to pop over to my YouTube channel and subscribed – it’s truly appreciated, more than you know. If you haven’t yet popped over there then please do, it’s free to subscribe and for each one of you that does I promise to do a little dance lol 😉 Here’s a link to help you on your way:
- I love exhibiting as it enables me to not only showcase and sell my work, but also allows me to meet members of the public in a more personable way, something that social media platforms still lack the ability to do. If you’d like to meet me or you’d simply like to view my work then I’m going to be exhibiting next month at the following event:
‘Are you inspired by the natural world. Come and browse the spectacular work and talk to the artists in person. All work will be for sale at the exhibition or from the online gallery’.

Today I’d like to introduce you to the Southern White Rhino breeding programme that Knowsley Safari Park is currently involved in.
And their Rhino Conservation Project in association with Lowveld Rhino Trust in Zimbabwe.
Today’s question that I get asked often is:
Q. What inspires you?
A. I seem to be inspired the most when I’m on my own surrounded by nature. Just the stillness itself, far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, energies me in a creative way. The natural world in general has always fascinated me so it’s no surprise that it’s this that drives me to create. I see beauty in every living thing, you only need to take time to look and put aside prejudices (often forced upon us by others). I love to marvel at the complexity of a bird’s nest, something that even with opposable thumbs I’d struggle to master, and gaze in wonderment at the strength and beauty of a spider’s web veiled by morning dew. A flash of irridescent-blue and orange of a Kingfisher, the sweet fresh smell of the earth after heavy rain or the sound of waves gently breaking on a summer’s evening … the natural world in all it’s diverse beauty captures my senses in a way that nothing else can and my only response is to love, breath and create.
If you have a question that you’d like to ask then please feel free to email me at:
Okay folks I think I’ve taken up enough of your time for one day, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading today’s blog as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Thank you all so very much for your ongoing support, it really is appreciated.
Stay in touch, follow me on social media if you wish, but above all be blessed.
Until next time it’s over and out from me for now
Best wishes, Kerry xXx
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