Good morning folks I hope that this latest blog post finds you all well and ready, as you’ll ever be, for the festive season 🙂
Firstly may I say a huge thank you to all who have been taking the time to send me feedback regarding my weekly (or thereabouts lol) Blogs, your emails and texts are truly appreciated.
With 2017 just around the corner many of you have been asking when my YouTube channel will be going live. Well I can’t put it off any longer … my expected onset of onscreen nerves will have to be countered by a glass of red wine or three lol. We’ve all heard of Jamie Oliver ‘the naked chef’ so how about Kerry Newell ‘the sozzled artist’ lol. Joking aside (or am I, you’ll have to wait and see lol) I hope you’ll be glad to know that I will be launching my YouTube channel in January 2017.
With regard to the above if there are any subjects/tutorials or mediums you’d like to see covered then please feel free to drop me an email or text and I’ll do my best to satisfy your artistic requirements:
Email: Mob: 07752325031 (Also available on WhatsApp for free texting)
New for 2017 :
More news on the proposal of art safaris to Botswana and Estonia and further developments for art based events at Knowsley Safari Park, plus the launch of my YouTube channel and all being well monthly instalments on creating and keeping a nature journal
Currently on my easel:
The commission that is currently on my easel is for my latest client Chris Packham and I have to say that working for a celebrity is sure making me feel like a secret agent lol. I have to admit that I am missing not being able to post my ‘work in progress’ shots on this one but hopefully the end result will be well worth the wait.
With regard to private commisssions – I’m now taking bookings for 2017 if anyone out there is interested 😉
Latest Completed Commission:
As promised here is the finished painting of ‘Minnie’ – a private commission for a client in North Wales.
I had the joy of hand-delivering this piece and thoroughly enjoyed making the most of the views in this beautiful part of the UK, every now and again stopping to take photos … which in turn turned a two hour drive into one several times longer lol
Knowsley Safari Park Survey – your help required 😉
Thank you for those of you who have taken part so far xXx
If you’ve been receiving and reading my blog updates you’ll be aware that I’m now conducting market research for the setting up of art based events here in Cheshire at Knowsley Safari Park. So that is where you, my wonderful subscribers, can play a part if you wish by completing the following online survey. This simple ‘service testing’ survey should take just a few minutes to complete. Your input is truly appreciated.
Wildlife 2017 Workshops are selling fast:
With this year’s wildlife art workshops just a distant memory now (the last one having successfully run last Saturday) can I bring to your attention that next year’s workshop places are selling quickly. So if you want to treat yourself or a loved one to a place on one of next year’s courses then please book sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment, as it really is first come first served and places are limited with no exception. For more information and to book your place please see the ‘Workshops’ page of my website:
Well I’ll leave it at that for now as I really do need to get back to my easel, and you’ll be wanting a brew no doubt ;-). Thank you once again for taking the time to read my latest blog post and looking forward to chatting with you again soon. If you would like me to add anything in particular to my weekly blogs then please pop your ideas in an email and forward them to me at: and I’ll see what I can do.
If as a reader/subscriber you would like to contact me to enquire about buying my art, displaying my art, interviewing me, promoting my work on your Blog, including my work in magazines or to discuss tuition, demonstrations, workshops & my pet portrait service etc then please feel free to contact me via the following:
Mobile: 07752325031 (please leave a brief msg along with your number and I’ll get back to you asap)
Okay so it’s over and out from me
Be blessed and thank you once again for following my endeavours.
Looking forward to chatting with you again next week, love & hugs Kerry x
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